
App For Language Learning Through Songs

Innovative Education App

Over the course of 20 months, Linkup Studio diligently crafted the innovative MusicWords mobile app from scratch. This groundbreaking app has transformed the way language enthusiasts learn, allowing them to master new languages through their favorite songs. With its sleek and user-friendly interface, paired with dependable functionality and seamless music platform integrations, MusicWords ensures a delightful and efficient learning experience for all kinds of music lovers.

Following its launch, the app received widespread acclaim from initial users. Consequently, its concept secured a spot in the week's TOP on under the categories of "Graphic Design" and "Digital Art."

Result delivered:
Mobile App from Scratch
Total product duration:
Involved Team:
March 2018 - Nov. 2019
Received awards:
No items found.
Dive into how we crafted an application that has completely changed the game for music lovers desiring to learn a new language.
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Dive into how we crafted an application that has completely changed the game for music lovers desiring to learn a new language.
Client & Business challenge

Conceptualizing a Handy App for On-the-Go Access

A Ukraine-based entrepreneur with a background in product management came up with a unique idea for a language-learning app. He observed that most e-learning educational apps relied on standardized exercises and tests, requiring learners to commit substantial time and concentration in a quiet environment. This wasn't practical for city dwellers (potential users) who spent hours commuting to and from work.

The entrepreneur reached out to Linkup Studio to be his reliable design and development partner to bring his vision to life. The mobile app had to be built on microlearning principles, enabling users to enhance their language knowledge during their commutes, whether on the subway or in traffic jams, all while enjoying their favorite music.

project description

Creating a New Approach to Language Learning

In an effort to provide language learners worldwide with a fresh, accessible approach to learning new languages and to differentiate the client's app from competitors, our team tackled the following tasks and developed these unique product features:

  • Proof of Concept Survey. Our team conducted extensive research among Ukrainian language schools to understand their preferred language-learning apps and what features they value most. We discovered a strong preference for interactive educational processes. The survey also validated the potential interest in the client's app as a language-learning tool.
  • System Architecture Creation. We mapped out the necessary system components, APIs, data flows, and potential constraints to build the most effective and applicable system architecture for our app. 
  • Apple Music & Deezer Integration. Linkup Studio seamlessly integrated these platforms via APIs, enabling users to add their favorite songs for language learning easily. We also introduced a feature that allows users to upload songs directly from their devices.
  • Words Scraping. Our team extracted song lyrics from reliable online sources, then cleaned, parsed, and analyzed the text to isolate individual words and phrases. This content was smoothly integrated into the app's learning modules, providing users with an engaging method to enhance their vocabulary and language skills.
  • Learning Carts Generation. By harnessing the power of generative learning, users can actively create their own learning materials, thereby improving their understanding and retention of information. The learning carts are designed to empower users, equipping them with the tools necessary to achieve their language-learning objectives.
  • Stable Offline Mode. To ensure a smooth, enjoyable user experience even without internet access, such as during subway rides, we implemented an offline mode that allows users to download essential files for offline language learning through songs.
  • Notification Scheduling System. To increase user attendance and time spent on the platform, we developed a notification system to remind users of their scheduled language-learning sessions using songs.
Creating a New Approach to Language Learning
App For Language Learning Through Songs

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Typography and color palette

Linkup Studio provides high-quality work. Their dedicated team provides excellent feedback and is interested in the project's success. They work rapidly, striving to meet deadlines. Their communication is noteworthy. Expect a professional team that delivers work at a reasonable cost.
Andrii Syvokhip
Founder at MusicWords
App For Language Learning Through Songs

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