Linkup Studio has brought a major Middle Eastern bank's idea to life by creating a digital wallet solution. This innovative app allows users of many banks in the region to integrate all their accounts across diverse financial institutions into one place. It enables them to handle everything from a single platform: send and receive cross-border payments, make money transfers, pay bills, monitor expenditures and earnings across all accounts, and more.
The app's modern product design and advanced features have attracted young users, thus expanding the bank's market share. The mobile app offers a personalized user experience, which allows it to cover users' needs in managing finances more effectively than wherever before. Now, the bank is continuing to scale up and promote the new application further. Our team gathers user feedback and iterates to make the solution even more handy and beneficial.
Although our client holds a substantial share of the financial services and banking market as a B2B company, they wanted to expand their services to offer a new product in the B2C market. For this, they wanted to introduce a modern eWallet solution. Such an app is needed to present high-demand services in a more useful and user-friendly way compared to existing applications. Additionally, clients aimed to attract a younger generation, thereby opening new business opportunities.
To achieve this, bank stakeholders turned to Linkup Studio for a partnership. They requested the creation of a comprehensive mobile app design that would fulfill the request and also incorporate recent product design trends to ensure its relevance for the forthcoming years.
Our team partnered with the client to create an app that will make financial management in the Middle East more inuitive, convenient, and faster. We analyzed the best globally-known financial apps, combined their strengths with our knowledge of Middle Eastern realities and specifics, and offered innovative solutions. Here are some key components and tasks we worked on: